Join us on February 25, 2025, at the Iowa State Capitol to educate your legislators about the face of hunger in Iowa.


Policy changes are critical to ending hunger in Iowa. Along with Iowa’s six Feeding America partner food banks, the Iowa Food Bank Association helps lead efforts to advocate for state and federal policies that make us more efficient and effective in serving the more than 229,500 Iowa adults, children, and seniors.

But we need your help! We need anti-hunger advocates - like you - to share their stories with lawmakers and educate elected officials about how hunger impacts their community.

Fight Hunger Day on the Hill
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Iowa State Capitol

Click here to register - free to attend, but registration is required.

Before visiting with your lawmakers, the IFBA prepares you with the necessary training and resources. We’ll hold a webinar the week before, provide you with the proper information and materials, and teach you how to talk to your legislators. Our goal is to train you to become an effective advocate, not only on Day on the Hill, but also in your community.

Learn about the issues we’ll be advocating for to help end hunger across Iowa. For more information, email


Hunger Free Iowa Day on the Hill 2025